

Σήμερα ξεκινάει στο Λόφο του Στρέφη το 2ο φεστιβάλ των Radical Fans United, με τουρνουά ποδοσφαίρου 5χ5, μπάσκετ 3χ3, συζητήσεις, προβολές ταινιών...

Και κάτι από το e-mail που μου ήρθε για το θέμα..

"To give and to take, to accept success modestly and defeat bravely, to fight against odds, to stick to one's point, to give credit to your enemy and value your friend - these are some of the lessons which football should impart."
-- Arthur ConanDoyle

"I tell kids to pursue their basketball dreams, but I tell them to not let that be their only dream." --Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

"In football {sports}we win if we obey the rules. In politics we win if we have the audacity to change the rules."--Slavoj Zizek

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